Archive for March 9th, 2009


First Deal, First Cut

Hi all!  Welcome to my blog.  Please make yourself comfortable.  May I get you a pillow?  Cup of hot chocolate?  Anyways, excuse the crudeness of this blog as I get started out.  I’m having difficulty picking a theme I like that is easy to read and navigate.  I guess all blogs have to start somewhere.

So, why have I started a blog such as this?  Good question. 

First, I was mostly impressed and greatly inspired by the blogging of a now former WoW guildmate, Kyrilean, who has recently transferred servers seeking a fresh start from experiencing burnout and a guild whose raid times are more line with his time zone.  I hated to see him leave the guild <ICESTORM>.  He plays the most dependable Holy spec’d Paladin I know.  Never had to worry about the tank going down during a boss fight with him in the raid due to insufficient healing.  I wish him the best of luck in his new server and guild!

Second, my goal with this blog is to hopefully post helpful information from things I’ve learned in two activities I enjoy doing; dealing poker and playing a rogue in World of Warcraft.  Apart from dealing poker, I also spent my fair share of playing poker as well although in the past few months I admittedly haven’t played very much.  In WoW, I have alts of other classes too such as a paladin that is about to reach level 80 and a low level priest (as well as other low level alts) but I always think of myself as a rogue first and foremost.  I don’t know why, but the class just resonated with me even when I first started playing WoW and didn’t know much about the game.  Must be the masks us rogues get to wear, makes us look dashing.

So here’s to my fellow card dealers, casino employees, rogues, and WoW players, these “cuts” are for you.

March 2009